Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bakemonogatari 1

Bakemonogatari is a new anime this season, from the same studio as Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei.It's stylized art will instantly bring any fan in, and its eerie first impressions will also do the same. Unlike SZS, this anime has a more serious tone to it. Well, most of it does, anyways. It has a futuristic sort of tone to it, where one girl makes weapons out of simple office tools, and threatens to use them against the main character.

Silly boy, you can't eat staplers!

If you're stuck on finding a new title for this season, I'd suggest Bakemonogatari All the way. Im sure it has more things to come as well as a little fanservice along the way.

About deviblog

Deviblog is a non-profit blog, for your reading enjoyment. I will cover many things across the fields of Games, Anime, and Music. I appreciate your veiws and hope you come to me for updates.

About the author: (In 3rd person.)

Deviryuu is a Music game enthusiast, as well as an anime fan. He enjoys to play Beatmania and obsesses over Tsundere women and Japanese idols. He is also a member of many groups across the internet, including Vocaforum, a Vocaloid based fan forum run by KevinayP. His Twitter Is also very active, and thats where you can see more info on his personal life. He uses Mac OS X and is proud to use it. (too bad it has lack of games. and other things.)